Sponsors of the printed book
The vision of the editorial team has been to produce a book which would inspire people around the world to create liveable and bikeable cities. The book has been written by authors with hands on and theoretical experience of a wide range of good practices including cycle planning and bicycle advocacy. It is an anthology of articles which can act as a source of inspiration to expand cycling across the continents of the world.
The book will be published in both an English and a Spanish edition. The English one will be published in November 2013 on the occasion of the III EIMUS Conference on Sustainable Mobility in Lima and the Spanish one next year.
The twenty five authors have contributed on a very generous scale with their valuable experiences, their time and their expertise in various areas. This has resulted in a series of wonderful articles which contain descriptions of the results they have achieved, reports of how they have achieved them and, not least, the challenges they have overcome on the way. This now constitutes an impressive body of examples which will inspire others to emulate them in developing cycling in their own way in their own city. More
The editors:
Juan Carlos Dextre,
Mike Hughes
& Lotte Bech